typedef struct t_mmdssystem {mm_word mod_count;mm_word samp_count;mm_word * mem_bank;mm_word fifo_channel; } mm_ds_system;
Number of modules in the project's soundbank file.
Number of samples in the project's soundbank file.
Pointer to a memory region to be used for managing modules/samples.
FIFO channel to use for communicating with ARM7.
DS setup information.
More about mem_bank: Maxmod needs some memory to manage samples and modules that are loaded/unloaded into/from memory. This pointer should reference an area of memory that is mod_count+samp_count WORDS in size:
MSL_BANKSIZE is defined as the sum of the module and sample count in the soundbank.
The mmInitDefault{Mem} functions may be used to quickly initialize maxmod default settings. Using these functions, mod_count and samp_count will be automatically filled using data from the soundbank, and mem_bank will be allocated with malloc.