void mmInit( mm_ds_system* system );
void mmInit( mm_gba_system* system );
Maxmod setup configuration.
Initializes Maxmod with the settings specified.
For DS projects, you must also setup a soundbank interface with one of the mmSoundBank* functions.
For GBA projects, irqInit() should be called before this function.
DS Example
void maxmodInit( void )
mm_ds_system sys;
// number of modules in your soundbank (defined in output header)
sys.mod_count = MSL_NSONGS;
// number of samples in your soundbank (defined in output header)
sys.samp_count= MSL_NSAMPS;
// memory bank, allocate BANKSIZE (or NSONGS+NSAMPS) words
sys.mem_bank = malloc( MSL_BANKSIZE * 4 );
// select fifo channel
sys.fifo_channel = FIFO_MAXMOD;
// initialize maxmod
mmInit( &sys );
mmSoundBankInMemory( (mm_addr)my_soundbank );
// or
//mmSoundBankInFiles( "my_soundbank.msl" );
} |
GBA Example
// Mixing buffer (globals should go in IWRAM)
// Mixing buffer SHOULD be in IWRAM, otherwise the CPU load
// will _drastially_ increase
u8 myMixingBuffer[ MM_MIXLEN_16KHZ ] __attribute((aligned(4)));
void maxmodInit( void )
irqSet( IRQ_VBLANK, mmVBlank );
u8* myData;
mm_gba_system mySystem;
// allocate data for channel buffers & wave buffer (malloc'd data goes to EWRAM)
// Use the SIZEOF definitions to calculate how many bytes to reserve
myData = (u8*)malloc( 8 * (MM_SIZEOF_MODCH
// setup system info
// 16KHz software mixing rate, select from mm_mixmode
mySystem.mixing_mode = MM_MIX_16KHZ;
// number of module/mixing channels
// higher numbers offer better polyphony at the expense
// of more memory and/or CPU usage.
mySystem.mod_channel_count = 8;
mySystem.mix_channel_count = 8;
// Assign memory blocks to pointers
mySystem.module_channels = (mm_addr)(myData+0);
mySystem.active_channels = (mm_addr)(myData+(8*MM_SIZEOF_MODCH));
mySystem.mixing_channels = (mm_addr)(myData+(8*(MM_SIZEOF_MODCH
mySystem.mixing_memory = (mm_addr)myMixingBuffer;
mySystem.wave_memory = (mm_addr)(myData+(8*(MM_SIZEOF_MODCH
// Pass soundbank address
mySystem.soundbank = (mm_addr)soundbank;
// Initialize Maxmod
mmInit( &mySystem );
See Also
mmInitDefault, mmInitDefaultMem, mmInstall, mm_ds_system, mm_gba_system